Investigation of environmental, heritage and social factors for bridge upgrades 

Review of Environmental Factors, Ecological Assessment and Aboriginal Due Diligence and Historic Heritage Assessment for Three Bridge Upgrades in the Region of Capertee, NSW  

In late 2021, TEF undertook flora and fauna surveys in the Capertee region as part of a proposal to replace and upgrade three timber bridges along Glen Davis Road between the townships of Capertee and Glen Davis, NSW. 

To inform this work, TEF undertook a comprehensive review of relevant legislation and databases. This included detailed mapping of soil types, catchment areas, waterways, key fish habitat, groundwater vulnerability, groundwater dependent ecosystems and records of threatened species within proximity to the proposal areas. 

TEF ecologists then spent a number of days in the field, collecting data on the flora and fauna that occurs within the area as well as other factors relating to the proposed works that may have an impact on the environment. Flora surveys involved use of survey plots to determine Plant Community Types, incidental sightings and targeted searches for species of interest. Fauna searches were carried out throughout the day, with searches for birds, reptiles and mammals undertaken. The ecology team also noted factors such as vegetative cover, disturbance levels, availability of tree hollows, burrows, scats, water levels and general habitat quality. 

Targeted searches were carried out to look for threatened frog species with the potential to be impacted. Individual assessments were then completed to determine the potential of significant impacts to any threatened species or ecological community considered likely to occur or regularly use resources within the site. 

To complete the extensive Review of Environmental Factors, TEF partnered with archaeological and cultural heritage experts Apex Archaeology to complete a comprehensive Aboriginal Due Diligence and Historic Heritage Assessment to ensure that no significant artifacts or heritage sites would be disturbed during the proposed bridge upgrade works. 

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