Our Work


Our vision

A world where environmental stewards lead the way to conserve and protect healthy ecosystems through commitment to ecologically sustainable and environmentally responsible practices.

What we do

Need a practical solution to the environmental component of your project?  Or advice on environmental compliance?

The Environmental Factor is an environmental consultancy based in the Central Tablelands of NSW. Managing environmental impact mitigation and monitoring programs for large or small development projects is our specialty. We are passionate about helping guide our clients through the legal and agency stakeholder approval process by building a practical framework from which projects can evolve and thrive.

The Environmental Factor is a Local Government Panel approved contractor for Professional Environmental Consulting Services.


We can

Peer review your plans to help put you on the right track

Provide advice as to the correct assessment pathway to undertake for your project or development (e.g. Part 4 or Part 5 of the EP&A Act), including designing project approval and stakeholder engagement paths.

Guide your organisation through the assessment process

Undertake Environmental Impact Assessments including Reviews of Environmental Factors (REFs) or ecological assessments such as assessments of significance (TSC and EPBC Acts)

Prepare Environmental Management Plans (Construction and Operation, i.e. CEMPs and OEMPs)

Audit compliance against Environmental Management Plans and Development Approvals

Provide terrestrial and aquatic monitoring to assess ongoing environmental impacts

Calculate any offset requirements

Undertake required agency liaison on your behalf

Manage your environmental project for you

Perform feasibility assessments for potential carbon and biodiversity offset projects

Our Mission

As leaders in environmental protection and restoration, inspire and empower others to grow their connection, and contribution, to the environments that sustain them.

And, using our passion and expertise, influence best outcomes for the environment and our communities in all that we do.

The Environmental Factor prides itself on best practice science communication – communicating clearly, simply and effectively with our clients and their key stakeholders. Ensuring our clients understand what they need to know about the environmental approval process is imperative to us. We understand, through our work with both government and small to medium enterprises, that the legislative process can be daunting and time consuming. We work within this system every day, and understand how to chart a course for your project that will see it completed without unsustainable environmental or stakeholder impacts, to allow rapid project establishment and smooth ongoing operation in the community.

We help you get your project up and running, reducing the down time associated with ‘green tape’.

The Environmental Factor also values the importance of ongoing environmental improvement projects across the landscape in both rural and urban settings. We have helped Councils, farmers and small landholders alike to not only access grants for environmental projects but also project managed these funds once received to ensure mutually beneficial outcomes for all involved.