Bombala Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade – REF, Ecological Surveys and EPA Liaison
Throughout 2018 and early 2019 TEF worked closely with Hunter H2O and Snowy Monaro Regional Council to develop a comprehensive Review of Environmental Factors for the proposed upgrades to the Bombala Sewage Treatment Plant (STP). The Proposal was to construct and operate a new STP compound, to replace the current, outdated facility which was intended for decommissioning.
The study area occurs along a relatively steep slope on the southern side of the regional town of Bombala, approximately 200 km south of Canberra and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), in NSW. The subject site is flanked to the west by the Bombala River, with a number of sensitive receivers, including private residences (to both the north and south), Bombala High School (to the northeast), and the Cemetery (to the southeast), located within 200 m of the Plant.
TEF completed preliminary desktop investigations on the heritage and threatened biota likely to be impacted by the Proposal, followed by targeted onsite investigations. A preliminary Constraints Summary report was completed to guide the detailed design of the STP, to be undertaken by Hunter H2O. Alongside design refinements, TEF assisted Council and HH2O with negotiations with the EPA by demonstrating how the design parameters would achieve wastewater treatment levels suitable for the Water Quality Objectives (WQO’s) of the Bombala River and the Snowy catchment. TEF also facilitated liaison with DPI Fisheries, DPI Land and Water and NSW OEH, and ensured any feedback received was incorporated in the final report.
The design and REF were completed in early 2019.
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