Booroolong Frog Monitoring Project – Bathurst Regional Council 

The Booroolong Frog has made a resurgence over the years to south of Bathurst, along the Macquarie and Campbells Rivers1. This species is listed as an endangered species under both the NSW and Commonwealth legislation. While the Booroolong Frog prefers extensive rocky structures along stream margins, it has been known to occur in highly modified stream sections, and even using artificial structures 1,2,3.

Given TEF’s experience with this species in the region, we were engaged by BRC to survey a proposed rehabilitation site along Jordon’s Creek in Bathurst to identify preferred microhabitat, if present, and survey for the Booroolong frog in the context of the sites available habitats, the species propensity to occur in highly modified habitat and connectivity to known Booroolong Frog populations. Surveys were undertaken in reference to the Survey Guidelines for EPBC listed Frogs with guidance from the Guidelines for Threatened Species Survey (Working Draft) and the Booroolong Frog National Recovery Plan5.

TEF compiled a management and monitoring report, outlining survey recommendations and ecological objectives that align with current recovery plans and industry survey guidelines.


  1. Hansen and Crosby (2016) Habitat use of the threatened Booroolong Frog (Litoria booroolongensis) in the Central West Catchment Management Area. Australian Zoologist (in press).
  2. Anstis, M. 2002 Tadpoles of South-eastern Australia. A guide with keys. Reed New Holland, Sydney
  3. Gillespie, G. R. and Hines, H. 1999. Status of temperate riverine frogs in south-eastern Australia. Pp 109-130 in Declines and Disappearances of Australian frogs edited by A. Campbell. Environment Australia, Canberra.
  4. Department of Environment and Conservation (2004). Threatened Biodiversity Survey and assessment: Guidelines for Developments and Activities. Working Draft, Department of Environment and Conservation (NSW).
  5. Hunter, D. (2012) National Recovery Plan for Booroolong Frog Litoria booroolongensis. Office of Environment and Heritage. Hurstville, NSW.
  6. Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (2010) Survey guidelines for Australia’s threatened frogs. Guidelines for detecting frogs listed as threatened under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Available from:


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