Case Studies
Some of our past projects
Koala Habitat Enhancement
Koala Habitat Enhancement The Koala is one of Australia’s most iconic animals, recognisable around the world. Koalas feature in many Aboriginal dreaming and creation stories, and are a totemic species. Koalas benefit the Australian economy – it is estimated that they...
Bombala Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade – REF, Ecological Surveys and EPA Liaison
Bombala Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade – REF, Ecological Surveys and EPA Liaison Throughout 2018 and early 2019 TEF worked closely with Hunter H2O and Snowy Monaro Regional Council to develop a comprehensive Review of Environmental Factors for the proposed upgrades to...
Palmers Oaky Road Upgrade – Biodiversity Assessment and REF
Palmers Oaky Road Upgrade – Biodiversity Assessment and REF In late 2018, TEF undertook extensive flora and fauna surveys along the Turon River as part of a proposal to upgrade a 6 km section of Palmers Oaky Road. Two ecologists spent a week in the field, collecting...
Parkes Water Treatment Plant and Sewage Treatment Plant Augmentation Projects
Parkes Water Treatment Plant and Sewage Treatment Plant Augmentation ProjectsThe Environment Factor prepared a total of 5 Major Works Reviews of Environmental Factors and 3 Addendums for the $63 m project. The Environmental Factor have been on board working closely...
Restoring Native Vegetation along the Macquarie River.
Restoring Native Vegetation along the Macquarie RiverThe Environment Factor was engaged as the project manager for a range of works including site preparation and revegetation work. The funding for this revegetation project was sought from DPI Fisheries as part of...
Booroolong Frog Monitoring Project – Bathurst Regional Council.
Booroolong Frog Monitoring Project - Bathurst Regional Council The Booroolong Frog has made a resurgence over the years to south of Bathurst, along the Macquarie and Campbells Rivers1. This species is listed as an endangered species under both the NSW and...